The Evans Four

blogging about our life as a family

Introducing: Owen Cody Evans (better late than never, I suppose…) December 16, 2012

Filed under: babies,EJ,family,Owen,pictures — aarontori @ 1:38 AM
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Hard to believe that I have been this terrible about updating, but here we are 8 months later, and I still haven’t posted about the birth of our son. Oh well, life happens and so here is an update on him and his arrival.

Owen Cody arrived on Good Friday, April 6th. I started having contractions at about 4:30 in the morning and was able to go back to sleep until 6. Then we got up and started our day, fed Elizabeth, and then about 8 we dropped her off at the home of our good friends to have a play date while we headed to the birth center. Aaron’s parents drove up from Houston and picked Elizabeth up so she could be the first to meet her brother. He was born at 2:03 while his sister played in the grass and dirt outside of the birth center. I had a water birth and caught him myself. It was amazing and I fell instantly in love with my sweet boy. He was 7 lbs. 14 oz. and just shy of 21 inches long (almost 2 lbs heavier than his sister).

Here is his first picture


He had a little birthmark on his cheek, but it went away after a couple days.


Here he is getting his first kiss from his big sister, Elizabeth!


Owen has since grown very tall, but is rather lanky, especially for a baby. He’s incredibly active and at 8 months he is already crawling, pulling up to a stand, letting go to stand unassisted, and is cruising around from object to object. I’m afraid he’ll be walking sometime in the next month or so. It’s terribly nerve wracking, because I worry so much about him falling. He has his two center bottom teeth, his front top right tooth is just about to break through the gums, and he and chews/drools on everything.

Owen is in constant motion. He must be involved in whatever is going on at all times. He is very hands on in his exploration, never satisfied to just look at something, but wants to hold it/touch it/eat it. This has led to many a fit as he is not nearly as easy to distract as you might think a baby would be.

His favorite person in the world is probably his big sister. Everything she does is funny to him; everything. She can make him smile and laugh like no one else can. I think part of the reason he is so physically advanced for his age is because he wants to be with Elizabeth, running around the house just like her.

He has gorgeous, big eyes just like his daddy, except they’re blue instead of brown. His hair is an almost white blonde and he’s got quite a bit, but you can hardly see it because it is so light.

When we go to hang out with our baby friends at playgroup on Wednesdays, Owen has to be kept separate from the other babies because he’s too aggressive with his friends and makes them cry. Elizabeth did the same thing, so maybe it’s mine and Aaron’s fault.

Owen will say “Da-da”, the very rare “ah-ma”, and when he gets to babbling you might hear “Da-deeee”. Mostly though, it’s a whole lot of excited screeching.

On the whole he is an incredibly laid-back and easygoing baby, with one exception: teething. He is (pardon the expression) a big baby when it comes to teething, which we were not prepared for. Elizabeth had a very easy time with teething, but it is truly a painful struggle for our little guy. When he isn’t fussing about his teeth though, he is all smiles. He’s got two dimples that come out when he’s really laughing and happy. He is going to be quite the handsome fella as he gets bigger, so we’re already steeling ourselves for the broken hearts 🙂

Here’s a more recent picture from our play date last week. Notice the drool-soaked hoodie? It’s his standard attire these days. Hope you’ve enjoyed seeing my little man, and I’ll try to update again soon.



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! December 31, 2011

Filed under: babies,celebration,family,friends,fun,holidays,pictures,plans,pregnancy,work — aarontori @ 12:53 PM

Hello friends and family! We hope the year’s end finds you well! It has been a year full of changes and growth for us, and we’d like to share with you how our lives have changed.

We’ve moved away from Happy Hill Farm Academy, where we were resident parents for the girls’ elementary house. We enjoyed our time there, and we’ll miss the friends we made, but we’ve moved on to some exciting prospects.

Elizabeth has grown so much this year, and is now running and talking about everything she sees. Her vocabulary is getting larger by the hour (just this hour she learned “Earth” “Asia” and “Ocean” while we were on a walk looking at a sculpture of the earth, and correctly pointed out “berries” on a nearby bush).  While sometimes unsteady on her feet, she is always going full speed ahead. She has bruised knees and forehead, but rarely cries; she is quick to get up and try again. She can even read a few of her books to you if you ask. She has a way to go on learning not to scream inside or throw food when she is finished, but she has mastered saying “Thank you” and is doing well on learning “Please” and “You’re welcome”. Her most recent adventure is apparently potty training. She has been showing some interest in the potty as of late, and so we went ahead and purchased a potty chair with some Christmas money. Last night she sat on it twice and peed both times! Hard to believe, but this girl is just way ahead of the curve when it comes to just about everything.

Tori is now 26 weeks along into pregnancy number 2. Mom and baby are both very healthy and growing bigger by the moment. Elizabeth absolutely adores the baby (for now) and since she won’t really be able to remember life without a sibling we’re hoping it stays that way come April. We still don’t know if we’re having a boy or girl, but will likely have an ultrasound in January. We’ll keep you posted.

Tori began working at Autism Concepts Inc. as an ABA therapist in October. She is loving being back doing what she trained to do in college and while she is tired at the end of the day, she is excited about the work she did and how the children she is working with are progressing.

Aaron is staying at home with Elizabeth, and loving the opportunity to work on learning words, sounds, numbers, and all sorts of things with her. They go on walks and enjoy looking at (and touching) the sculptures around TCU and listening to people playing in the music school.

Currently we are living just down the street from TCU, and the walk to church is less than 30 seconds. It’s much nicer than the hour long drive we used to have to make! We’re waiting on word from Apartment Life, where we will be moving in to an apartment complex within 10 miles from where we are now, helping them with resident retention, and ministering to the staff and residents.

We are doing well and hope you all are too. Tori finally got around to uploading all of our pictures through Christmas, so enjoy!

May 2011

June 2011- We were terrible and have no pictures from the month of June…oops

July 2011

August 2011

September 2011

Elizabeth’s First Birthday!

October 2011

November 2011

December 2011


Lots ‘o Pictures! April 24, 2011

I just figured out how I can share all of my picture albums from Facebook with those that don’t have an account.

Here are special links to each of the albums of Elizabeth pictures except for March because somehow I failed to upload any pictures last month. Don’t worry though, because I took pictures and will upload them eventually.

WARNING: There are a lot of pictures here. I really need to learn to pick and choose better, but I can’t help it.


First Two Days

Some more from the first week or so

September 2010

October 2010

Hair Bows and Cute Faces

November 2010

December 2010

January 2011

February 2011

March 2011

April 2011

From now on I’ll just post each album at the end of the month. I sure am glad I figured this out so I don’t have to try and double post everything. Enjoy! Please let me know if the links aren’t working for you.



Introductions December 8, 2010

Filed under: babies,celebration,family,pictures,pregnancy,tejas,Uncategorized,work — aarontori @ 10:39 PM

Meet our new blog! WordPress doesn’t require visitors to have an account in order to comment on blog posts and the editing features are much more user-friendly. Hopefully this will translate into us actually keeping our blog up to date and posting with some sort of regularity. WordPress also has this really cool feature where I was able to move all of our old posts from the blogspot blog to this site, so all of our previous posts are here too.

More importantly meet our daughter, Elizabeth!

Happy Baby Girl

This post is rather late seeing as how she’s almost 3 months old, but I’ve got an almost 3 month old baby so you’ll just have to forgive me.

I’m sure that most people reading this (hi, grandma!) will already be familiar with these things, but I’ll put it here for posterity’s sake.

We are back in Texas!

We moved back at the beginning of August. I was 30 weeks pregnant and we had no jobs and no place to live. It was a smart move 🙂 We stayed with Aaron’s parents for a few days and then made our way up to Fort Worth to look for work. We were blessed by our amazing friends, the Lehews, who let us stay at their rental house while we did our job search. We had already started the application process at Happy Hill Farm Academy as house parents. Thanks to some perfect timing and how awesome God works, we were hired and moved into our new apartment on August 16th. We began our training right away and have been working since. It’s been a great experience so far. We are the resident parents for the elementary-aged girls. We have 4 girls that live in our unit and while at times it is challenging, it’s also very rewarding work and there is most definitely never a dull moment.

On September 14th, I went into labor. At least I thought that I had gone into labor, but after walking and walking and walking the contractions kept slowing down and eventually stopped. Then at around 1:30 AM on September 16th I was awakened by much stronger contractions. We drove to Fort Worth (an hour away) to the Lehews home (they’re so awesome) and stayed there while we waited to see if this was really it. At about 5:30 I called our midwife and told her we were ready. We then drove another 20 minutes to the birth center in Hurst. Elizabeth was born at 11:12 AM and it was a wonderful experience all around. She weighed  6 lbs 4 oz and was 21 inches long.

Adjusting to life with a newborn has been wonderful, tiring, sometimes frustrating, and did I mention tiring. Really though, it’s awesome and we’re loving being parents. One of the best things about our job is that we work at home and together. While this was mostly true when we worked at Soltane, we worked out in different workshops and really only crossed paths at lunchtime during the day. Here we both work in the house and while the girls are at school from 8:30 to 3:30 we are free to do whatever we want/need to do. It’s been awesome being at home together with Elizabeth! How many kids get to have both of their parents at home with them full time? We don’t have the usual weekends off work week. Instead we work 4 days on and then 2 days off and rotate with the single house parent that is attached to our unit. Our days off are different each week, but it’s not too inconvenient and definitely worth it.

We do miss living in Fort Worth. Being an hour away from our old friends and our church is tough sometimes, but we drive in pretty regularly to hang out and visit. We’re making friends here at our job too, which is nice. There are lots of other couples here with kids, although we’re the youngest.

Elizabeth is becoming more interested in the world around her all the time and sleeping longer at night (thank goodness). We are coming up on a nice long break for Christmas (yay for working at a school). We’ll be off from December 18th until January 3rd. We have lots of traveling and family time planned, but hopefully will also have some time to visit with our friends around here and relax at home some too.

This post is getting ridiculously long, so I’m going to close for now. Here’s a few parting gifts to make up for lost time:

Elizabeth with her Pop Pop at the birth center, just 6 hours old

Aaron holding our baby girl, just one day old

2 days old, what a cutie

❤ – Tori


Introducing Baby Evans! February 12, 2010

Filed under: babies,celebration,family,pictures,pregnancy — aarontori @ 1:30 PM

I’ll add a worded post later, but my time is about to run out on the library computer.

Picture One

Picture Two

Picture with Labels (you’ll just have to trust us on this)



Texas to Oklahoma to Texas to….Oklahoma to Colorado July 29, 2009

Filed under: cooking,denver,fire,flowers,food,friends,fun,pictures,trains,travels,vacation — aarontori @ 4:50 PM

I fixed the link to the picture albums, sorry.

I really tried to put lots of videos and pictures up, but it was just taking WAY too long, so there will only be one or two pictures on the post, but I’ll link to the rest of them in my online albums.

I took LOTS of photos and recorded some video all along our journey thus far and so I will be posting quite a few of them on here (if you have very slow internet, I apologize).

I will begin with the first leg of our trip: Fort Worth to Denver!

We took two cars to Lawton (we left my old beater with my mom) and so our trip actually began in Fort Worth, but we were in separate cars and the camera was with Aaron. I got a sunburn on the way to Lawton because it was blazing hot and the Corsica doesn’t have A/C so I drove with the windows down. We met up at my mom’s in Lawton and dropped of the car. Then we headed for Denver. We drove west through Oklahoma and into Texas again, then further west and then turned north and proceeded to drive through Oklahoma again (the panhandle) until we finally crossed into Colorado.

It was a long drive, but it was a good one and spirits were high. We got to our friends’ place around 3 or 4 in the morning. We visited for just a couple of minutes before passing out. It had been 2 years since we’d seen Thomas and Debbie and so we were really excited. The kids were so big and they had baby 3 on the way.

Our first day was kind of lazy/relaxing. We didn’t do a whole lot except sleep. We visited some in the evening and had a nice dinner. There was lots of catching up.

Some of our awesome activities while we were there:
-going to the neighborhood pool
-taking a walk in a pretty walking park nearby
-babysitting 🙂
-playing Bananagrams (really fun, Aaron LOVES it)
-walking around downtown Denver
-dinners outside on the patio
-taking the kids to the park
-lots of hanging out and talking
-seeing the mountains (we didn’t actually go, but they looked beautiful)

A couple of my favorite pictures:

The two rivers that converge in downtown Denver

Some pretty flowers from one of our walks

A picture I took while waiting for a train in Memphis, TX (on the road to CO)

More Pictures Here, Here, and Here